Building a solid recurring revenue stream is really the Holy Grail of any online business owner and John Warrillow’s book, “The Automatic Customer” is a really great primer on the topic.
Book Reviews
Book Review: The Membership Economy
I read Robbie Kellman Baxter’s “The Membership Economy” for the first time almost two years ago when it was initially released. I remember reading the book and making a bunch of mental notes about good ideas and thoughts for setting up and running a membership business, but at the time it didn’t really apply to me. I always thought I’d go back and re-read “The Membership Economy” when it was more relevant.
Book Review: Peak by Anders Ericsson
Every time I would look at a book I was reading lately on Amazon, I would get a recommendation for “Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise” as another book I might be interested in. I saw it so many times in fact that I decided to just grab it and give it a listen over the past week. Of course, it helps that I’ve been on a bit of a journey of exploration into the field of human excellence and this book is right in that sweet spot.
Book Review: The Power Of Habit
Over the past several months, I’ve been really quite fascinated by the idea of the power of human potential. I have found myself thinking more and more about the difference between people who achieve incredible things, those of us who are largely average with mediocre accomplishments and then the people who struggle to get anything done at all – what differentiates us?
Book Review: Grit By Angela Duckworth
Every single meaningful list of the best books of 2016 had Angela Duckworth’s Grit on it. When I started this idea of reading a book a week I went out and scouted around for good new books to read and all of the people I ran across who knew what they were talking about, raved about this book.
Book Review: Idea To Execution
I’m going to admit it, the subtitle of Idea To Execution totally sold me on the book – “How to Optimize, Automate, and Outsource Everything in Your Business”. This is something that I’m always looking for but even more so at this time of the year – as we start 2017, I’m looking at this as the year I scale Casual Marketer a bit more, so I figured this might be a good book to sink my teeth into.
Book Review: Simple Rules
I have no idea what inspired me to pick up “Simple Rules: How To Thrive In A Complex World” on Kindle and Audible, but I’m stupidly glad that I did.
Book Review: The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck
I’m going to be completely honest with you, I found “The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck” really hard to review and listen to.
Now, you might be thinking that I didn’t like it or that I didn’t agree with the message that Mark Manson was delivering in the book, but you’d actually be wrong.
Book Review: The Obstacle Is The Way
The difference in life between a successful person and a failure is how someone deals with adversity and obstacles. In “The Obstacle Is The Way“, Ryan Holiday calls this out and uses a number of historical references to illustrate examples where some of the greatest people to have ever lived not only overcame obstacles but used them almost to their advantage.