Sometimes we spend a great deal of time building an email list and do nothing with it. Convention “marketing expert” wisdom says to toss it and start again. As usual, that is terrible advice.
We’ve all bought something and almost immediately felt that pang of regret known as Buyer’s Remorse. The secret though is what do you do next to stop yourself from compounding your buying mistake.
My secret ingredient for everything I do isn’t sexy. It’s not some traffic hack or copywriting wizardry, it’s something that almost anyone can do, they just choose not to!
It can be tough listening to people tell you what you’re doing is wrong, but the reality is you can’t please everyone, so focus your message on your target audience.
Online business owners are bombarded by bad advice and people tossing out one liners telling them how to run their business. The key is being able to spot the garbage quickly.
A new era of Content Marketing is approaching where the goal is less about prolific publishing or sharing and more about people consuming your content.